I’ve decided against a chronological order of events for the trip report. Instead I’ll be writing 3 to 4 random events during the weekend as they pop into my head each morning.
Aside: Number of times I’ve said “This fuckin’ place” since I’ve been back to work: 8
The defining poker hand for the trip happened after the WPBT event at the Imperial Palace. I was way down and decided to mix it up by raising UTG to $12 with 4,5 of spades. I got 4 callers which was no surprise. How about this for a flop though: A44. I immediately think I’ll be doubling up against any A out there, so I lead out for $20 and get 1 caller. The turn brings another A. Check, bet, fold. Thoughts of Hatebreed come to mind. Cast down…..defeated….never to rise.
The WPBT tourney gave me the opportunity to meet some of the fine ladies in the blogger universe: Jaxia, Joanne, Jen Leo, and Tanya. It’s quite nice to put a face to the name and I look forward to seeing you all again. Bonus points to Jaxia for asking to feel the gunz. Bonus points to Tanya for showing us her tattoo.
In the category of Bang for the Buck (no, not strippers or hookers), I played in the Aladdin noon tourney on Friday for $110 smackers. I played two hands. AQ ran into a set of Kings and then I lost a race with AT to 88 – Ace on the flop, 8 on the river.
Friday’s dinner at the Nine was a true highlight. You have to admire a girl who knows a good steak when she sees one. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised since April hails from Texas. Pretty much after every bite, we each looked at each other with a knowing stare that this was some damn fine steak. I could seriously eat that stuff every night of the week. Can’t afford it, but I could eat it.
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