Friday, April 4, 2008


If you've been paying any attention whatsoever to this blog, you'd realize that I'm about to turn the magical age of 40. And by magical, I mean Gandalf-like old. Sometimes I hesitate to mention it because I'm not a big fan of drawing attention to myself. Still, mention it I do; but I'm always leery that I bring it up far too often.

Because really, people get tired of those who constantly do that.

So this should be the last time I mention it.

Because I'll be in Vegas on my birthday proper, tomorrow a few friends are coming over the house for a poker tournament. I'll probably put a bounty on my head so that I'll have less fold equity. Who needs that to win a donkament? Cash games will hopefully ensue afterwards and my wish is that everyone who shows up has a great time, regardless of the bad beats I'll lay on you. (You reading this Falstaff????)

I'll take pictures and put them up for posterity. To a person, every one who's coming to the house tomorrow I've met through either poker or blogging about poker. This post is just meant to be a preemptive "Thanks" to those who can make it.

I'm getting the sense throughout the other poker blogs that some of the A-List, Inner Circle rockstars are finding that the true measure of their poker winnings is the friends they've made from the game and not the financial net to their poker bankroll.

Here's a secret: I knew it long ago. But I forgot about it last year. Thanks again to everyone who helped me remember.

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